Born to Knit hosts two informal, friendly ‘knit ‘n’ knatter’ groups providing opportunity for knitters of all ages and levels of experience to get together over a cuppa.
We meet in the foyer of Salisbury Playhouse on alternate Monday mornings, from 10.00 ’til 11.30. There is no charge for attending this group, and no need to ‘book in’ – just turn up with your current project and enjoy a warm welcome. We just ask that you buy a drink from the café to support the venue.
We also offer an evening Knit & Stitch event on the last Wednesday of the month from 7.00 – 9.00pm at ‘Culture Coffee’, 69 Fisherton Street, Salisbury – just down the road from The Mill. As Culture Coffee will be opening exclusively for us after normal working hours, there is a small charge of £5 per session, which includes a hot drink and slice of (very good!) cake.
These are purely social gatherings so no tuition is provided; for those wanting to learn to knit, or a little refresher on a particular technique, please have a look at our ‘Workshops’ page, or alternatively book some friendly one-to-one tuition at ‘Born to Knit’ in Fisherton Mill, for as little as £7.50 per 15 min session.